Klanhattan KlanVillage Documentary ep1: Had Time Interview
Kevlexicon – Klanhattan KlanVillage Documentary ep1: Had Time Interview published August 27, 2015 This Economic History documentary has a free companion .pdf you can download here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByizAe4GpB1ARmtpbGNSUEpnUjA Check out all of Kevlexicon’s Research Materials (.pdfs) on: Google Drive Dropbox Video Playlist for Klanhattan KlanVillage Mixtape & Documentary ( and vimeo ) Download Klanhattan KlanVillage Mixtape – Median Income Edition on Bandcamp. Klanhattan KlanVillage Documentary episode 1 Kevlexicon talks about the situations that inspired the mistari (lyrics) of his new song, “Had Time”, off the Klanhattan KlanVillage Mixtape. Using the song as an entry point, Kevlexicon begins to talk about the larger global economic forces and hip hop histories that inform his recent works. Living in Kenya and reading The Economist, growing up broke, going to a decent college, talking about economic inequality, the Klanhattans and KlanVillages… *edit: yeh, the pic of Mumbai, India is actually Sao Paulo, my bad. (conflicting google image search references, wups) Excerpt from the .pdf: Reading Hamilton From The Left – Jacobin Mag https://www.jacobinmag.com/2014/08/reading-hamilton-from-the-left/ “Two hundred years ago, Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded by then Vice President Aaron Burr in a duel at Weehawken, New Jersey. Their conflict, stemmingRead More →